Our rules are pretty straightforward.
Most importantly, have Fun! Leave the ego at the door and post often. Post questions, share tips, recipes and experiences, be a part of the community. Be honest, be yourself and get to know the other posters on the site, we want this site to become a great knowledge base but also welcoming place to hang out and make friends.
Remember we’re a family-friendly society and this is reflected in the forum. There are things we can’t and won’t tolerate.
1. No vulgarity or prejudice of any kind. Black, White, Gay, Straight, People From Wigan, everyone’s welcome here and if you post anything derogatory about any social or ethnic group, expect to have your account deleted from the forum.
2. No personal attacks or attempted bullying, if you have to use internet forums to bully people then you’re pretty sad and you’re not welcome here. Any offensive posts will be deleted and it will be at the discretion of the admins whether you get booted out or not.
3. Don’t try to post any illegal, morally questionable or sexually explicit material – we’ll delete it. If you want to post pictures of your naked wife humping a giraffe then find another forum. If we ever find anything illegal posted on our forum we will share all information with the relevant authorities.
4. Don’t try signing up in order to get our mailing lists for the purpose of spamming or mass-mailing. We will not share our members’ information with anyone. we hate spammers and they will not be tolerated on the site.
5. Don’t use the forums for advertising products or services, if you feel you can offer a product or service that would be of interest to our members, contact one of the admins to ask about our advertising program.
5a. Where active BBBQS teams wish to mention their sponsors, this is acceptable as long as the post does not contain anything that contravenes with our rules and is not in conflict with the interests of the society. We require all links to be reciprocated, so please make sure your sponsor is happy to add a link to us on their web site. Members are kindly requested to show some common sense when mentioning sponsors. The admin team reserves the right to remove any threads or posts judged to serve no purpose other than advertising. Repeat offenders may have their forum account terminated.
And that’s the rules, thank you for taking the time to read them and we hope you enjoy the forum.
All the Best
Steve (Admin & originally from Wigan)