BBQ Central Show Interview.

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BBQ Central Show Interview.

Postby British BBQ Society » 23 Nov 2011, 14:55

Here is the link to the interview last night, excuse the um's and er's for the first 15 mins, it was 2am and i hadn't spoken for hours!

I was asked to go on to discuss Europe and the KCBS outreach team among other things, I have been and am currently working on gaining more Jack Daniels places for competitions in Europe that do not currently qualify.

And yes before anyone asks, if you listen to it, i intentionally told KCBS that they can have all of the competitions I am currently working on if they are willing to come over here, set them up, fund them and run them next year.

I have been accused of thinking I "OWN" BBQ over her which i do not accept, i am just trying to raise awareness and give everyone a platform to take part on whatever level they wish.
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Re: BBQ Central Show Interview.

Postby esselle » 23 Nov 2011, 19:38

Just listened to the show. As always, you put the point across very well Toby. Let's hope it helps sort out the whole mess, and maybe we can see more than one uk team at next years jack.
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Re: BBQ Central Show Interview.

Postby keith157 » 24 Nov 2011, 12:29

Hi Toby, just listened to the show and can now see where you are coming from, why you are so outspoken and passionate and the reasons for forming this society. I understand a bit more of the structure you are aiming for and the reasons why. I liked your analogy with the Olympics, and hope KCBS get their act in gear, soon.

Tweo things I found interesting, the first that Dr BBQ himnself was miffed and peeved that you didn't invite him over to teach means, to me at least, that the BBBQS has some standing and "bragging rights" over the pond.

Secondly I know in the Staes (and growing over here) there is a difference between Grilling and BBQ, but when the host verbally chastised his very young daughter live on air for including STEAK as one of her favourite BBQ foods I darn near dropped my tea over the keyboard :lol:
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Re: BBQ Central Show Interview.

Postby British BBQ Society » 24 Nov 2011, 12:46

Hi Keith,

Firstly i appreciate you listening to the interview, very few people will, and will still form opinions that are just completely untrue. To coin a phrase that seems to be used in the backroom gossip columns, "there will always be haters".

I have to say it was the KCBS outreach team that didn't want to include Dr BBQ, not me. in fact I invited Ray Lampe to do a cook school for us when he was over here in 2010 but he was unable to fit us in. i am a strong believer that we need experienced cooks to help us improve.

I do find it very difficult when people constantly accuse me of trying to control everything and just dont have the balls to come out an ask questions directly but i can do very little about that and have to keep taking it on the chin. You probably gathered that i was quite emotional at the end of the interview :lol:

Once again appreciate the post.


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Re: BBQ Central Show Interview.

Postby Steve » 27 Nov 2011, 21:16

Just had a listen to the interview. I think you did a great job getting your points across.
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Re: BBQ Central Show Interview.

Postby smokinjim » 15 Dec 2011, 22:05

Good interview Toby. I hope this helps you in your cause.
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