Which route to take?

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Which route to take?

Postby Evotim » 09 May 2016, 10:07

Am in the process of starting up a bbq catering business and am looking for a new smoker or two. Already have a pro q excel and a 57 wsm. Thinking a charcoal cabinet smoker would be a good way to go (second hand if poss). Don't really want to restrict myself to having power on site. So far I've only seen a couple for sale which would only hold about 8 butts or 4 briskets.... With a cost of £1000+
I haven't tried but could I get 6 butts on my wsm? I can buy another of either the pro q or wsm and a stacker for all giving me 6 on each of pro q and may give me 9 on the wsm/s? at a lot cheaper price.

Am aiming to be able to cater for up to 4-500 per day max.

Any advice on the best route to take would be much appreciated.


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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Pompey Dinlo » 10 May 2016, 11:08

How do you plan to operate? Are you aiming for markets, festivals etc or private catering? Where do you plan on doing the cooking? I presume at home overnight in which case a charcoal smoker might be too much hassle, I'd soon get tired of worrying whether the heat is being maintained overnight and that my meat is going to be ready in time for the following days trade.

If you're cooking at home you need to consider how you're going to transport the meat and maintain the required temperature during trading (Cambro's aren't cheap particularly the powered ones) plus all the associated health and safety requirements.

I think the most difficult part of BBQ catering is managing the cooking times and the transportation/holding of the meat. Whipping up a few burgers is fine but when your meat takes 14 hours to cook then there's a whole lot more to think about.
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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Evotim » 11 May 2016, 10:57

I'm gonna be looking at smaller events to start, no festivals yet. So fairs, country show type events, functions (wedding etc), pubs.... Possibly street markets too. Gazebo set up.
Preferably would like to do the cooking on site but am aware it won't be possible all the time so will sometimes have to cook at home and transport so advice on cambro type transportation method would be good. The prob is I don't have power in my van so electric ones do pose a slight problem maybe? Not sure how much power they take? I might look into getting power fitted in my van but there was a 18 week lead time to have fitted when I got the van.
I use bbq gurus for my temp control so no problem there.


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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Pompey Dinlo » 11 May 2016, 14:15

If you're going to be cooking at home, which you will be if you're going to be cooking brisket and pulled pork then you need to consider where and how. If it's a commercial electric smoker where are you going to install it? I presume it wouldn't be going in your kitchen so is there somewhere else to put it or do you need to build a structure. Bear in mind that if you're going to build somewhere to install it then you'll need planning permission as it will be for commercial use and some authorities can become a bit twitchy about people smoking meat in domestic premises for commercial reasons.

You also need to consider whether your house will pass the requirements set out by the local health authority, no toilets opening out into kitchens, pet issues etc.

If you're going to be trading from a gazebo you'll need power. You'll need to power a fridge (to store drinks, slaw etc), you'll need to power hand washing facilities whether that will be a dedicated hand washer or a variable temperature boiler. Ideally you'll want a cash register and card reader plus bain marie's and griddle/hot plate if using. You will need a generator!

With regards to temperature control I meant maintaining the required temperature. Taking the temperature of the meat is the easy part, keeping it above 63oC as required by law is the more difficult bit. Cambro food holders are good at holding temperatures and a non-powered one should be able to maintain 63oC for about 4 hours whereas a powered one will do so all the time it's plugged in however these don't come cheap. A non-powered one is in excess of £650 whilst the powered ones are over a grand. Rubbermaid make similar units for cheaper although they only make the non-powered ones. Once you've cooked your meat at home you need to work out how you're going to keep it above 63oC whilst you transport it and whilst you're at your pitch. If you've made enough to last an 8 hour stint then you have a real challenge to keep all that meat at the required temperature otherwise you'll be throwing it all away.

Environmental Health will also want to see health and safety qualifications including food hygiene. As an owner of a mobile catering business you should be trained up to level 3. They will also want to see a Hazard and Critical Control Process (HACCP) report before they'll even consider allowing you to trade.

It's not as easy as some people imagine it will be. There are lots of hoops to jump through and expenditure can quickly mount up. Tempting as it may be, don't skimp on your equipment. If it's cheap it won't last and you'll only find yourself replacing it sooner than you expected to.

*edit* Oh, and don't forget insurance. Both vehicle and public liability. Public liability for mobile caterers is typically around the £1k mark for £5m cover. You'll need to have this in place before you can begin trading.
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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Evotim » 12 May 2016, 05:38

My setup is going to be unfortunately quite complicated which is my main problem logistically. I've been bashing my head against a brick wall for about the last year trying to find storage with power for fridges & freezes. Just been let down this week by a restaurant who were going to rent me a room/space etc. And we're only asking me last weekend when I wanted to move in. It surprisingly seems they're actually closing down! Anyhow, there is a possibility of space in a shared barn that other caterers use, mainly for causing vehicle storage....I'd have my own stud walled off section. Will be speaking to the EHO re that today to see if suitable. I have a couple of community centres which hire their kitchens so prep there. Obvs transport.... HACCP will need to be solid to keep EHO happy. Pain in the backside but I can't see any other way at the moment....

I'm aiming to try not to have to cook at home/in advance due to reasons you mentioned and various others. If I were to it would only be for small local gigs and using my existing smokers, prep elsewhere so no need to use my kitchen.
Mainly I will be looking to cook on site, I have no problem with camping or back of van, I know of a few traders who do this. Quantity of meat I can cook so which type of smoker to get next... Transportation space, cost etc

I joined NCASS a while back and they're saying to try and do without power. I know a few places I've spoken to don't supply electric or allow generators, especially street markets. NCASS are saying to go the gas route as they reckon more trading gig options which I'm considering although due to start up costs I'd like to try and put off if I can just for the moment? If I have to get power the so be it, again something I can look at... They're doing gas powered genes now so...? Looking at Cold boxes & ice for my mobile fridge/s.

I have my level 2 cert already, NCASS offer level 3 with membership along with other training too. They quoted me about £150pa for public liability.

All in all its been a very frustrating time trying to get started... Does everyone who can't use their home to prep have the same setup problems?

Times ticking and I wanna get trading:)

Thank you for your help

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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Out2lunch » 12 May 2016, 13:18

Down in Dorset where I am, the is a man with a BBQ Smoker Van, he's got 2 Komodos in it, he lights them up at home and cooks in it through the day, and then goes out to Events with the meat near done. It always pulls in a huge crowd where ever he goes.

If you going to stay over night or a few days, get a fridge/freezer type thing that can slot into the workspace of a van, make sure you have a pallet, change the plug to a camping blue, (but make sure you have adapters from blue to x,y,z), as a lot of events will give you generator access for power etc, else buy a small portable generator for your needs. If you have a good tarp or awning over the frieezer you will be fine, but always put the freezer onto the Pallet, else it will go wrong.
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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Pompey Dinlo » 12 May 2016, 15:11

You're obviously more organise than I thought so apologies if I appeared to be teaching you to suck eggs!

I found NCASS to be a great help so it's good to here that you're on board with them, definitely worth the membership fee.

Other than what I've already mentioned I can't help you any further but good luck!
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Re: Which route to take?

Postby Evotim » 12 May 2016, 15:57

No, no need to apologise, eveyone's advice is always good,many thanks. I don't feel like i've got that far yet.... once i get past this brick wall i'll feel like i've finally progressed:)

I had thought about whether a catering van would be a good route but start up costs would be a lot more. My goal is to eventually get a trailer smoker. I've set within 2 years of trading for that so work to be done.... Those in themselves i believe are the theatre and crowd puller.

Will be looking into fridge freezers eventually for weekend events, thanks for the advice re those.

Need to decide on which smoker route to go next...

Tell me, what food/catering is it you do?
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