Holding Meat at Temperature

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Holding Meat at Temperature

Postby TheRub » 15 Feb 2015, 20:54

How do you guys hold meat that is ready well before time?

I cook on the Weber kettle most weekends, and having 2 young children, there is a hard cut off time when the meat needs to be ready. I can't turn round to a four year old and say the meat will be read when it's ready. Then give them dinner at late o'clock.
I have managed to do a reasonable pulled pork and both times it has finished between 3 and 4 hours early. I was trying to take a possible stall into account when working out timings.
After an hours rest, I pulled the pork and then cooled it as fast as I could, to re-heat it when it was time to serve food.

I believe there are other cooking issues (for another post), but is it possible to maybe foil the joint and try to hold it at the temperature for a few hours, or is it best to cool and re-heat it?
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
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Joined: 01 Feb 2015, 11:25

Re: Holding Meat at Temperature

Postby JEC » 16 Feb 2015, 08:40

You have two options, double wrap in foil then wrap in a towel or two and stick in a prewarmed picnic cooler. Alternatively once the meat is done place in a warmed oven (Gas mark 2) wrapped in foil until your ready. It will keep warm and moist in a cooler for 4 hours, the oven try to minimise the time as if will carry on cooking and may well dry out, even with foil.
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Re: Holding Meat at Temperature

Postby TheRub » 16 Feb 2015, 22:16

Thank you.
Keeping it in a cool box would remove a couple of extra steps from the preparation process and make things easier.
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
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Joined: 01 Feb 2015, 11:25

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