Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

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Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby crphillips » 04 Nov 2012, 12:34

Seen as I gave Reds a bit of a 'grilling' I thought I'd balance it out:)

Fazenda in Leeds was an awesome experience! It's a Brazilian restaurant with numerous types of meat cooked over coals on a Rotisserie.

It's £25.90 a head on Sunday-Thursday and £27.90 the rest of the time. We were immediately attended to by the staff as soon as we arrived and was shown to the bar whilst our table was prepared. We ordered a drink and sat at our table. We visited the salad bar which shouldn't really be called a salad bar. More like a buffet and there were some tasty foods available which created a meal in themselves.

On your table you have something which looks like a beer mat. It's green on one side and red on the other. There are many staff wondering around with huge skewers of meat. Flip your mat to green, stating that your hungry and you get a gentle trickle of waiters brining you their offerings of cooked meats. They usually tell you what meat it is and how it's cooked (medium, well, rare...etc). If you want some they slice you a chunk off. If you don't they disappear. It sounds like you may get hassled all of the time but actually it's quite subtle and un-intrusive.

We tried everything:-

Picanha (Cap of rump),
Filet mignon (Fillet),
Maminha (Tail of Rump),
Beef Skirt
Bife Ancho (Rib Eye),
Alcatra (Rump),
Costela (Beef or Pork Ribs),
Bife de Presunto (Gammon),
Cordeiro (Lamb),
Frango (Chicken),
Coracao de frango (Chicken’s heart),
Linguiça (Sausage),
Morcela (Black Pudding)

The service was excellent, the food was excellent, the restaurant atmosphere was excellent and not too expensive considering the experience. These guys really know what they're doing.

Don't get me wrong........if you took your £27.90 and just spent it on a Ribeye or fillet at a good steak restaurant you'd probably get a better, tastier piece of meat but considering you could have all of the items above it was worth every penny and still a very good, tasty meal.

I'm going again! Check it out! It's a real meat fest.
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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby Tiny » 04 Nov 2012, 17:04

I went to one of these in new york a few years ago that boasted the longest salad bar in the world. Shocking was that the lady who organised it was a veggie but the incredible diversity of the salad bar was to her liking.

As for me the steady stream of meats was an absolute delight, at 28 quid sounds a touch pricey but as you say for a steady stream of good eatin fair value.

Time must have changed I was last in leeds in 90 and I dont recall any resteraunt where you could have spent £28 if you ordered the whole menu!

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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby gazz_46 » 04 Nov 2012, 17:42

Sounds awesome....

Pricey but a unique experience, gets my vote :mrgreen:
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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby crphillips » 04 Nov 2012, 18:26

Leeds has some real trendy,slick places to eat nowadays. To be honest the area of Leeds where Fazenda is was unrecognisable from 5 years ago!
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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby aris » 04 Nov 2012, 21:54

For thse who live further south, there is http://www.rodiziorico.com

Not been there yet but people I knw who have rave about it.
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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby keith157 » 05 Nov 2012, 06:30

So now we know where to eat if I ever get my weekend at the Royal Armouries :D
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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby rding » 05 Nov 2012, 12:03

We ate here last year and thought it was a cracking place. We enjoyed all the meats and my son whose eight still asks to go back to the red card/green card place. I thought he would have been squimish about the chicken hearts but he loved them. Considering going back with work at christmas but possibly a bit too refined for 15 drunken blokes.
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Re: Fazenda - Leeds - My Thoughts

Postby Pecker » 05 Nov 2012, 12:15

keith157 wrote:So now we know where to eat if I ever get my weekend at the Royal Armouries :D

I DJ'd an entire Christmas party week at the Royal Armories...but that's another story.


Fazenda sounds great - might give that a go.

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