Finally some weather to get the Smoker out :)

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Finally some weather to get the Smoker out :)

Postby adenjago » 02 Apr 2015, 15:02

Probably like most on here who haven't been able to get any decent weather for Smoking or BBQing, but as I have a big family get to together coming up (who heard about my previous Pulled Pork so the pressue is on ) and since I had my Maverick arrive and I have add additional Inlet Pipework on my Smoker I decided to have a run through (bearing in mind this only my third smoke)

Changes from Last Smoke,
[*]First use of Maverick ET-733
Using restaurant Grade Charcoal (strangely my missus works with the Manager of coal depot that supply Charcoal to the Local Trade, so got a good discount so picked up 2 bags of 12KG for £15....bargain)
Additional Pipework, ( still need an additional Inlet I think, slightly higher up) I think my two inlets are too low so the third is higher up, I'm after a slide Vent like on the big poppa smokers, I'm waiting for to come back to me as they import the Kits into the UK)

First Attempt Fatty - Preparation

Red onions
Sweet chili pepper
Mature Cheddar Cheese
Worst er Source







A bit to much Filling and Sausage Meat, so had to unravel and split them into Two
( it was a bit panic mode, so no pics of the unravelling)
One in the smoker, the other in the Freezer


Pulled Pork - Preparation

Took of the Fat, and put on a rub found on this forum consisting off

8 tbls - Paprika
8 tbls - Salt
8 tbls - Garlic Powder
6 tbls - onion powder
1 tbls - Ground black Pepper
1 tbls - cumin
1 tbls - cayenne Pepper
1/2 tbls - Mustard Poweder



The Results

Fatty, was really happy with for the first attempt, Lessons Learnt - used a bit too much Sausage meat though and not enough filling, but will certainly doing these again.

Pulled Pork, was disappointed with Rub, to much Mustard for my liking, but the inside was fine, and fell apart as last time without much pulling.

Started at 07:00 and pulled the pork of at about 17:00, rested for hour wrapped in a towel
The fatty was pulled off at about 14:00 with an INT of 180
The Pork was pulled off at about 17:00 with an INT of 189,

Also Big thumbs up for the Restaurant grade coal,


Stuck under the Grill for a couple of Minutes, just to colour the outside







Still had fair few unlit coals at the end of the smoke, Really impressed with the Charcoal


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Re: Finally some weather to get the Smoker out :)

Postby TheMeatThief » 06 Apr 2015, 20:02

Looks Delicious... Just waiting for the constant weather in Portsmouth before getting everything ready for the summer..

Jordan @ The Meat Thief
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Re: Finally some weather to get the Smoker out :)

Postby PyroBoris » 08 Apr 2015, 14:55

looks mouthwatering! Yet to try a Fatty, defo on the to do list!
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Re: Finally some weather to get the Smoker out :)

Postby batvan » 12 Apr 2015, 06:07

Hi looks good, ifI get my UDS Finished I'll be trying one o them there fattys! What are your thoughts on the maverick?
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