WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

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WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby musicville » 10 Jan 2011, 21:25

Hello felow bbq enthusiasts. I am looking for a little bit of advice from yourselfs regarding which BBQ to purchase. I am new to this ( intro here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=668 ) and after reading a fair bit about bbqs i am looking to purchase my 1st 'proper' bbq.

I have narrowed my choice down to the WSM 18.5" and the excel 20. I will be cooking mainly for myself and my partner and friends and family. I am aware that the WSM costs more than the Excel 20 but i dont mind paying the extra if it is a better/ higher quality unit. which ever bbq i purchase will be getting a a fair bit of use throught the year and i would expect it to last. I really just dont know which to go for really so any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby Steve » 10 Jan 2011, 22:09

I would say pay the extra and go with the WSM. I own a couple of Excels and they're great but I think the Webers are better quality units and they hold temperature really well, particularly if you use the clay saucer method.

To be fair though, I'm sure you'll be happy with either cooker.
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Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby All Weather Griller » 10 Jan 2011, 22:22

I'm with Steve on this. The excel is very good and more versatile than the WSM but the WSM is build better and is superb for holding it's temp.

I have one of each size and I would agree based on your estimated party size that the smaller one should be ample.

Enjoy and remember to read the thread on posting pics. We love pics!
All Weather Griller

Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby mcdodge » 11 Jan 2011, 07:20

The WSM is good. Even though I didn't really have a clue what I was doing my first smoke was OK!

Holds its temperature well, very sturdy and the finish on it means that it will survive all weathers.
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Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby musicville » 11 Jan 2011, 20:54

thanks for your responses it confirms what i was already thinking so decision made 47cm wsm it is! next question is where should i buy one of these from then? does anyone have any particularly good websites they can recommend and where is the cheapest?


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Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby mcdodge » 12 Jan 2011, 07:21

I got mine from

Free, next day delivery really swung it for me
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Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby All Weather Griller » 12 Jan 2011, 07:31

I know its not much but if you quote btbbbq they should give you a 4% discount at wowbbq.

Ask for Barry
All Weather Griller

Re: WSM or Excel 20 mmmm ..... ?

Postby musicville » 12 Jan 2011, 17:19

Ok it is ordered! Just have to wait for it to arrive on friday now :mrgreen: seriously cant wait. I have got a weber chimney starter coming aswell so im all set. a few last questions though...

What meat thermometer should i get ? maverick et73 ?have seen some very good reviews about this one but read somewhere that a newer model has been released does anyone know where i could pick one of these up from ?
And also how do i get hold of a booker card, do i need to own a company as i have been told that their charcoal is good stuff haha

Big thanks for all the advice so far

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