Beer can turkey

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Beer can turkey

Postby Swindon_Ed » 24 Nov 2010, 21:29

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with beer can turkey?

I've done chickens with great results but i'm worried that trying to use a normal beer can could be too small and the turkey will fall over or swallow it whole. I've seen turkey holders in the US but before i order one i was wondering if i'd be ok using a big soup can or something like this and then fill the can up with beer or any other liquid i like?


Posts: 1265
Joined: 14 Aug 2010, 18:48
Location: Swindon

Re: Beer can turkey

Postby All Weather Griller » 25 Nov 2010, 07:25

Buy a big Turkey, and use Al's big black Guinness UDS as the beer can!
All Weather Griller

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