Debate - Lumpwood or Briquettes

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Debate - Lumpwood or Briquettes

Postby clairbare » 02 Nov 2010, 13:37

I am a little confused

Briquettes seem to burn for longer, so when you are doing low and slow would these not be your preferred choice? What is the real difference?

We seemed to get through a lot more lumpwood than we did briquettes - is this normal?

Is it mainly for flavour that lumpwood is chosen?

Sorry for all the questions and sorry if this has been covered on another post xx :?
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Re: Debate - Lumpwood or Briquettes

Postby SunofTzu » 02 Nov 2010, 15:13

If I were just to use lit coals or briquettes then I'd say the latter. However, I tend to use the Minion method and for me briquettes tend to choke a bit on the ash plus produce more of their own smoke than lumpwood. I will generally start with lumpwood for the overnight Minion and then if I need to top up for a few hours later I might well use some lit briquettes just to finish off.
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Re: Debate - Lumpwood or Briquettes

Postby All Weather Griller » 02 Nov 2010, 19:10

Hi Clair,

I also use the minion method but will only use the briquettes to start it my fuel of choice is restaurant grade lump. I personally think that there are binders (Starches) in the briquettes that leave a white power on my grills so I avoid using these on my low and slow cooks.

I do use Heatbeads or cocoshell (Coconut briquette) for grilling.

Again, a good question you will get mixed answers. Ultimately you decide, if briquettes work for you then carry on, you should satisfy yourself that it works. One of the most prolific Pitmasters on the US circuits lights his fires with lighter fluid and he still wins a lot of money a lot of the time.


All Weather Griller

Re: Debate - Lumpwood or Briquettes

Postby Mike_P_in_Tucson » 17 Nov 2010, 20:14

I use mostly briquettes, Kingsford Blue, but sometimes top off with mesquite chunks (readily available here in Arizona). I definitely would use coco shell briquettes, but they are not available here.

I also use the minion method, and have not had any off flavors using briquettes.

Re: Debate - Lumpwood or Briquettes

Postby joker smoker » 19 Nov 2010, 00:39

Like the doc..all of the above.. :D
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