Has anyone smoked Mackerel?

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Has anyone smoked Mackerel?

Postby BBQKID » 08 Feb 2010, 17:54

I just bought a pack of the already smoked mackerel for a potato and smoked mackerel dauphinoise recipe I am making tonight and I thought I might like to give it a go myself.
I did find one recipe by searching around but it had mustard and I was thinking I want to taste the fish and the smoke more than anything else?
I know I could just leave the mustard out but thought I would ask if anyone else had any methods before I give it a shot.
I think I need a beer.

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Re: Has anyone smoked Mackerel?

Postby photostore » 23 Aug 2010, 15:22

Yeah, ive smoked mackerel.
I was just a straight forward hot smoking,charcoal for heat, with oak chunks, its one of the oiliest fish you get so be prepared for a major clean-up as they literally run with oils and strong lingering smells ( i did another raging hot burn afterwoods in the main cooking area instaed of the firebox as the smell was tainting everything which followed)

I dont eat them but i did about thirty large ones my son caught a few weeks back and everyone loved them.
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