Prepare for 2 rounds of cooking /what could i do better next

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Prepare for 2 rounds of cooking /what could i do better next

Postby manw » 24 Jul 2016, 14:20

I had a BBQ last night for the first time on my Weber 57cm kettle BBQ and Big K Lumpwood charcoal.

This is what I had to cook:
10 Chicken Thighs (spatcocked)
10 Burgers
10 Chicken skewers
10 Sausages
2 Salmon burgers
5 prawn skewers
10 slices of haloumi

I lit 2 Weber measuring bowls of charcoal on the bbq and let it take for 30-40 mins.
I then put the chicken thighs on in a circle round the edge (as it felt too hot in the middle) and put the burgers in the middle. I did put the lid on for a bit but was nervous about the temperature so kept taking it off.
By the time I was ready to get the sausages and skewers on the heat had really died off.
What should I have done at this point?
So i took the whole food grill off and added another bowel of charcoal and waited 10+minutes until I could even it out, and then put the meat back on, and finished off the last items.

How does one plan for the extra coal required? should I have added it earlier/ during cooking? how? Could I have continued while the extra coal was taking?
Should I have had the lid on the whole time?
What should I do better next time?

Thanks so much for your help! I want to crack it next time.
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Re: Prepare for 2 rounds of cooking /what could i do better

Postby ScottishSmoker » 26 Jul 2016, 18:32

Im not sure how much two weber bowls are but 30-40 minutes waiting for it to be ready, especially for charcoal lump wood, seems like a long time to me. For lumpwood I usually only wait 10-15 min and for briquettes maybe 20-25 min.

I also usually cover only half to 2/3 with charcoal so it gives you a hot spot and a cooler spot.
And remember that when you put the lid on it controls the heat somewhat as the only oxygen the coals get is from the air holes underneath ie. burning temp of the coals will be less than without lid.

I'm sure a couple more attempts and you will have your bbq and charcoal temps and lengths of burning figured out.
Enjoy experimenting!

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Re: Prepare for 2 rounds of cooking /what could i do better

Postby essexsmoker » 27 Jul 2016, 09:04

I would use indirect cooking.

Get a chimney starter too.

Pile the coals on one side and cook dodgy stuff like chicken on the other.

You can put burgers nearer the heat. But even they need to cook through so not too close.

If you have a chimney starter and an old metal bucket or something you can then get the next batch of charcoal going ready to just tip in.

2 scoops isnt a lot of coals for all that food. I use a whole chimney, maybe 4 scoops? Although I using cheapo briqs for grilling.

I always cook with the lid on. More even heat all round and helps retain heat and control it too. Use those vents! Top vent open and adjust bottom ones.

Not sure what spatchcocked thighs are? Do you mean butterflied?
Thighs I would chuck on as they are. Put them opposite the pile of coals. They should take about 50mins at about 180 to 200C.

Don't forget to chuck a pouch of wood chips on the fire too!

Mmm. Smokey goodness.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
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