One Saucy Weekend!

One Saucy Weekend!

Postby » 27 Apr 2013, 21:21

Every once in a while I go a bit mad scientist and take over the kitchen, utility, dining table and anywhere else I can put stuff in the misguided belief that at some point I will stumble across the next big thing, well something that a lot of people will like.

My problem, apart from the family giving me “that look” is that I go off a flavour very quickly, the too much of a good thing symptom. I stopped eating lamb for two years after excessively cooking my apple and mint jelly leg of lamb on my old brinkman.  So this weekend I thought I would attack my old nemesis barbecue sauce.

A couple of months ago I conjured up a pretty good sticky sauce with a little help from a friend and decided to “make it better”. What a silly idea, last week I made a sauce that was more a marinade because I forgot the process of making a gastrique and did the guy thing of not asking for directions!  However I dispatched a few bottles to friends who were blown away, as I was when I heard what they had used is for, everything from chicken to grilled salmon! So that “marinade” has now been laminated for future use.

Anyway back to this weekend, I started with my basic gastrique, added my spice mix then carried on playing, too much of this so balance it out with some of that, oops a little too much so back again, you get the idea……………….. So sauce number one was finished when I decided it was getting silly.

Sauce two started the same way but decided on a vanilla kick to it which worked well……… well until I put orange in it that is! So a little more sugar to bring down the tartness and then decided to go completely off piste and add some pineapple juice………. It was weird, very very weird. The only way to rescue this one was something I remember Harry Soo saying in a class last year, make sure your rub and sauce combine so I threw in a load of my new chicken and pork rub that I made last weekend and let it simmer. Decided I couldn’t do anything with that so jarred it and moved onto number 3!

Similar story but when I said I went off piste for the last sauce this time I was positively nuts, and lets just say it is the only sauce I have made that is not suitable for vegetarians. The flavour was…………. Strange, but a couple of the sauces I have tried recently in the states have also been “strange” maybe I stumbled across something unusually obvious. I will be buying a brisket in the early part of the week as I think this sauce will compliment the beef really well.

So finally, I have 3 sauces sitting here, and we are talking over a litre of each, a new batch of my chicken and pork rub, a little of my brisket rub which still needs work and the ruminants of the chicken we had for dinner with the new rub and sauce two which contained the rub…………. Oh my god!!!.......... that wasn’t for the chicken, I looked round and realised that although I cooked dinner I don’t think I can get away with leaving the kitchen like this for much longer!    TS

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