Chimney fan

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Chimney fan

Postby chas9k » 07 May 2011, 10:42

Hi, I am new to this forum and looking for advice. A collegue has the luxury of an outhouse that he fitted out with a fixed bbq grill for use with bbq coals. The problem is exhausting the smoke, there is a canopy and chimney but a chimney fan is required , we have tried a couple of fans, one cut out if the temp went up the other was designed for use in wood burning stoves and does not have the capacity to move enough smoke. There is a space limitation of about 300mm cube and the chimney duct is 210mm dia. I would be grateful if anyone can point me to a source for a suitable fan.
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
Posts: 3
Joined: 07 May 2011, 10:15

Re: Chimney fan

Postby All Weather Griller » 07 May 2011, 13:35

Is it something like this you are looking for?

All Weather Griller

Re: Chimney fan

Postby chas9k » 08 May 2011, 10:07

Thanks for the quick replies.
The room is a small brick outhouse, probably 5-6 cubic meters with a door and opening window, it was probably the gardeners shed in an earlier life. The fire tray and grill are in the order of 1m x 0.5m and are at work top level. There is a sheet metal pyramid canopy about 600 mm above the grill covering the whole of the grill area; this reduces to a round 210mm dia. hole. The inlet of an inline fan should locate on top of the canopy in the 210mm hole. The exhaust is forced up a 1m vertical 210mm dia. chimney fitted to the fan outlet, with a conical rain guard on top, there is a good gap between the top of the chimney and the rain guard. The canopy is as low as is comfortable for the user so I can’t move it down closer to the source, which leaves a maximum gap between the top of the canopy and the sloping roof that will accommodate a cube of about 250 mm. I have looked at roof mounted fans but the shape of the roof makes that a difficult if not impossible option. Originally a Systemair axial fan was used but cut out if the temp. went over 150 deg C, this link goes to the fan used
The second attempt is fine with the high temp but does not remove anything like enough smoke, there is a pdf. manual at ... manual.pdf. This fan unit just fits in the space available.
Sorry about the wordy description, it never occurred to me to take photographs and my colleague, and the BBQ live on the other side of the city.
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
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Joined: 07 May 2011, 10:15

Re: Chimney fan

Postby Vic. » 08 May 2011, 19:07

chas9k wrote: ... manual.pdf. This fan unit just fits in the space available.
Sorry about the wordy description, it never occurred to me to take photographs and my colleague, and the BBQ live on the other side of the city.

Does that one fit your job?
Twisted Firestarter
Twisted Firestarter
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Re: Chimney fan

Postby chas9k » 09 May 2011, 06:57

Both fans fit, the ecoangus just fits it is the bulkiest and is therefore the max size for this space.
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
Posts: 3
Joined: 07 May 2011, 10:15

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