Mayonnaise - what's the real info?

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Re: Mayonnaise - what's the real info?

Postby Chris__M » 26 Sep 2010, 21:45

Marmite is something that I absolutely hate as a spread/filling/whatever. However, it is a wonderful ingredient for cooking, if used sensibly, adding a great savory taste to casseroles and such.
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Re: Mayonnaise - what's the real info?

Postby Vic. » 13 Mar 2011, 20:42

We've always kept mayo, salad cream, ketchup, etc in the cupboard. My Grandad never had a fridge and lived into his 90's, my Dad was brought up without one, but only really uses his for meat, milk, etc. I think people need to build up immunity against certain bacteria, if we starve ourselves from our bodies natural protection, we'll be running to the doctor for antibiotics all the time.
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