BBQ Competition funny your too

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BBQ Competition funny your too

Postby esselle » 27 Jul 2010, 16:10

If anyone is thinking of attending a BBBQS competition and is maybe a little apprehensive (as we were) please don't be. I thought I would start a thread for everyone to post they're own funny moments from the last (or any) competition to put potential newcomers minds at ease and show what a great bunch of people actually compete.
#1 Saturday morning 5.55 a.m. following a few beers on the Friday night I needed to use the little boys room. So blurry eyed with a headache I stumbled across the competition field to the toilet block, to be greeted by Toby and Kate's pet rabbit sat in front of the toilet block. Desperate for a pee but equally keen to do my 'good deed of the day' I proceeded to try to catch 'bugs' and replace him/her in the hutch. Half an hour later (still needing a pee) crouching down with a handful of grass, softly saying here boy/girl, I was pleased to see the figure of Sue (our 'tea girl') approaching. Bear in mind Sue never gets out of bed before 10 a.m. so I am now convinced this is a bad dream. "Sue get yourself opposite me and help me corner him/her" I whispered. "Why?" said Sue. "Cos he's escaped and we have to get him back in his hutch". "No he hasn't they let him out to roam around and he goes back in when he feels like it" she said. "Great!!! Nobody thought to ********* tell me that!" I huffed as I ran to the loo.

#2 For our neighbours this competition we had the ever helpful Robert (Berties) on one side and soon to be Grand Champions Bunsen and Burner on the other. Now I am not the kind of person who will correct you if you say something wrong in conversation, because I do it myself so from Friday evening until Saturday afternoon I let Dave from Bunsen and Burner call me Dave! (my name is Scott....similar I know!). When he was finally corrected by his team mate Jeremy he came to apologise. "That's OK TRIGGER!" was my instant response. Hence he now has a new nickname which was chanted when their team stepped up to be crowned Grand Champions.

#3 Ady and Toby return from the pub Sunday night after a few 'shandies' for Toby to declare that Ady had spent the last hour chatting to the local tramp (who nobody ever speaks to!) .............
Alledgedly the tramp has complained to the manager of the pub and has refused to attend the pub when the next competition is held on the grounds that he didn't want to discuss pulling Ady's pork!!! :D
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Rubbed and Ready
Rubbed and Ready
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Re: BBQ Competition funny your too

Postby All Weather Griller » 27 Jul 2010, 21:00

Quality! I remember the recall of the "Dream" the following day, absolute quality. I think I have some funny stories, but... for the life of me I can't remember them. My BBQ events blend into a haze of blurred memories and as I recall the tramp from the Village pub was very interested in my pork pulling stories. That said, the ardent Jock Thatcher hater didn't take too kindly to me suggesting the Poll tax was years ahead of its time. LOL

A not so funny story was when we were trying to keep our dessert top secret for the last event (anyone that knows me knows I don't tend to keep things secret). So, Toby was having one of his BBQ Boot camps the weekend before for some new teams. You know the thing, showing them how to trim their cuts of meat, prepping them with different rubs and bringing the smokers up to temp etc.

Anyway, Steve said (to me) and I quote "I don't suppose you're gonna tell us what you are doing for your dessert next weekend then?" and without batting and eye and in a Heartbeat my son Jamie blurted out "Red Velvet cake it's amazing!".

Moral of this story, don't tell your kids anything you want keeping a secret!
All Weather Griller

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