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how to hold together pulled pork?

PostPosted: 28 May 2011, 15:17
by musicville
So the other day i saw in the supermarket some pork shoulder v cheap on offer (1.8Kilo £1.89) and thought :idea: perfect for some pulled pork for me and the mrs at the weekend. however i didnt realise that the hunk i got was rolled. so when taken out the packaging it fell to bits (well lots of bits joined together would be the best way to describe it. Now i usally get my meat from the local butcher and he gets it right all the time so i am kicking myself for not going there this time.

Anyway getting to my point, I am determined to fix this some how and was wondering if it would work if i tightly wrapped it in foil and smoked the normal way perhaps piercing the foil all over to get the smoke penetration/ tie it up with string to hold it together/ skewer it with a few kebab skewers lol ... or just leave it as it is is and seeing how it turns out.

What do the wise people of the BBBQS think ? It is getting cooked tomorrow, i have just made some No 5 sauce that tastes superb so i need this to work !

All the best


Re: how to hold together pulled pork?

PostPosted: 28 May 2011, 20:01
by musicville
sounds like a plan! think i will put my meat thermometer probe into the fattest meatiest part and see how it goes will let you know how it turns out.

Re: how to hold together pulled pork?

PostPosted: 29 May 2011, 11:26
by musicville
OK well its bunched up and held together with some kebab skewers which seems to have done the trick nicley on the bbq atm holding steady at 260F :D happy days will let you know how it turns out.

BTW this is the first time using the new mavrick ET 723 and im loving having the remote display just lets me forget about the temps and concentrate more on the F1, I never used the old version so i cant compare it but so far so good.