First time bbq owner

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First time bbq owner

Postby guitarbloke » 17 Aug 2015, 00:50

Hi guys,

This weekend I bought my very first barbecue (albeit a touch late at the ripe old age of 35!).

It was on offer in Homebase so I'm under no illusions that it's a premium bbq, but I figured it'd be a cheap place to start - if I get into it I've no qualms buying something better later.

It's a Landmann Kentucky Smoker, which after about 2 hours of swearing over the terrible instructions I finally got assembled. Build quality seems good, and it looks nice in the garden.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I've never used a bbq in my life - I've eaten plenty, just not my own! I'm looking forward to learning though :D

So I have a couple of probably very simple questions :)

Firstly, I was wondering if there's anything you'd recommend I do to start with as I understand the Landmann's have a tendency to leak smoke/heat. Is there an easy way to sonehow insulate the unit and plug the leaks?

Secondly, the Landmann has a shelf above the main grilling area, should this be used for certain meats?

Lastly, I've read that the thermometer on the Landmann's isn't much cop, so I'm going to invest in a digital one of some description - are the wireless ones any good? Is there a preferred/recommended one to look for?

Thanks all, and apologies if these questions are really rather basic!
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Still Raw Inside
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Re: First time bbq owner

Postby Tiny » 17 Aug 2015, 07:59

Welcome Chap,
Well I owned and hated my landman Tennessee but I know others who do well with theirs. Not having felt the Kentucky cant comment on the shelf but as for the other bits -

You can buy hi-temp silicone sealant to make the unit more airtight
Most use the Maverick wireless thermos which are a bit pricey but universally liked
An cheaper alternative for an instant read is the one from IKEA.

2 more pieces of counsel
Buy an weber chimney starter, they save hours of lighting frustration and are worth the extra
One of my main bugbears with the landmann was the charcoal grate in the offset box was too low and would choke the fire with ash. I used to use both charcoal grates from the main body and turn them from landscape to portrait to give more room for ash

Final thing is get yourself amongst the likes of homebase and B and Q regularly over the next couple of weeks, they start discounting the BBQ range like mad and you can pick up some mega bargains.

Go well soldier!
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Re: First time bbq owner

Postby aris » 17 Aug 2015, 11:06

Would some stove rope help seal it up?

There is a good video on the accessories and usage here
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Re: First time bbq owner

Postby guitarbloke » 17 Aug 2015, 12:05

Hi Tiny / Aris

Thanks for all the advice guys, I can't wait to get started (especially since the good weather is back!)

I've just ordered a chimney starter, looks like that will make life much easier!
I'll pick up some stove rope as well - sounds like it'll do the job nicely.

The Maverick looks pricey but if they do the job well then I'll take a punt :D
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
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Re: First time bbq owner

Postby aris » 17 Aug 2015, 19:39

Make sure you get the correct high temp adhesive too. They sell it all as a kit on ebay.
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